International journals
2014 Partners


F. Flouvat, J-F N'guyen Van Soc, E. Desmier and N. Selmaoui-Folcher : "Domain-driven co-location mining. Extraction, visualization and integration in a GIS". GeoInformatica. In Press.


2013 Partners

L. Cerf, D. Gay, N. Selmaoui-Folcher, B. Crémilleux, J-F. Boulicaut : "Parameter-free classification in multi-class imbalanced data sets". In International Journal on Data & Knowledge Engineering 87(9):109-129, 2013.


A. Stumpf, N. Lachiche, J.-P. Malet, N. Kerle, A. Puissant: "Active learning in the spatial domain for remote sensing image classification." IEEE Transaction on Geosciece and Remote Sensing, 16 pages, 2013.


A. Stumpf, J.-P. Malet, N. Kerle, U. Niethammer, S. Rothmund: "Image-based mapping of surface fissures for the investigation of landslide dynamics." Geomorphology 186, 12-27, 2013.



P.-N. Mougel, C. Rigotti, M. Plantevit and O Gandrillon: "Finding Maximal Homogeneous Clique Sets". Knowledge and Information Systems. 35(1):1-30, Springer, 2013. LIRIS

T. Nguyen, L. Cerf, M. Plantevit and J-F. Boulicaut: "Discovering Descriptive Rules in Relational Dynamic Graphs". Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS . 2013.

2012 Partners

A. Bechara Prado, M. Plantevit, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut: "Mining Graph Topological Patterns: Finding Co-variations among Vertex Descriptors", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 2012.



C. Kurtz, N. Passat, P. Gançarski, A. Puissant: "Extraction of complex patterns from multiresolution remote sensing images: A hierarchical top-down methodology" Pattern Recognition, pp. 685--706, Vol. 45, Num. 2, doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2011.07.017, février 2012



A. Julea, N Meger, C. Rigotti, E. Trouve, R. Jolivet, and P. Bolon: "Efficient Spatiotemporal Mining of Satellite Image Time Series for Agricultural Monitoring". In journal: Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining, p 23-44,  Volume 5, Number 1, July 2012, ISSN 1865-6781.



A. Stumpf, N. Kerle: "Object-oriented mapping of landslides using Random Forests". Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(10), 2564-2577, 2011.

1 N. Selmaoui, F. Flouvat, D. Gay and I. Rouet : "Spatial Pattern Mining for Soil Erosion Characterization". IJAEIS, Vol. 2, N°2, pp. 73-93, Juillet-Décembre 2011. PPME
National journals
2013 Partners
4 Bluecham, CNES: "Yaté fait du spatial un allié pour son environnement". CNES Mag N°58, Poster Education pour les collèges et lycées. Bluecham
3 R. Andreoli, B. Ducarouge, J. Maura, A. Leopold, P-N. Mougel, A. Durand, C. Marchand, N. Folcher-Selmaoui, H. Yesou, C. tinel, D. Fontanaz : L'imagerie spatiale à très haute résolution au coeur du dispositif de Geospatial Cloud Computing QëhnelöTM : application aux données Pléiades en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Edition spéciale Pléiades Days RFPT. In Press.



H. Alatrista-Salas, F. Flouvat, S. Bringay, N. Selmaoui-Folcher, M. Teisseire : "A Spatial-based KDD process to better Manage the River Water Quality". In Revue Internationale de Géomatique (RIG). Vol. 23, N°3-4, 2013, pp.471-496.
N. Selmaoui, F. Flouvat, H. Alastrista, S. Bringay : "Motifs spatio-temporels : enjeux et applications à l'environnement". Article Invité Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Hermes, Vol. 27, N°4-5, 2013.
International conferences


25 R. Andreoli, N. Selmaoui-Folcher, J. Maura, P-N. Mougel, C. Tinel, D. Fontanaz: "Spatial and temporal data mining of remote sensing data applied to erosion process discovery and analysis". Pléaides Days 20114 confernece, 1-4 April 2014, toulouse, France.



24 F. Lodge, N. Méger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier and M.-P. Doin.: "Iterative Summarization of Satellite Image Time Series". In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS‘14), Quebec, Canada, 2014. 4 pages. LISTIC, LIRIS
23 E. Desmier, M. Plantevit, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut: "Granularity of co-Evolution Patterns in Dynamic Attributed Graphs". In Proc. ot the 13th Int. Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDEA'14). pp. 84-95. LNCS 8819, Springer. Leuven, Belgium. 2014. LIRIS
22 F. Flouvat, J. Sanhes, C. Pasquier, N. Selmaoui-Folcher, J-F. Boulicaut: "Improving pattern discovery relevancy by deriving constraints from expert models". In Proc. of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI 2014.  August 2014, Praha, Czech Republic, T. Schaub et al. (Eds), regular paper, pp. 327-332, IOS. PPME, LIRIS


21 E. Desmier, M. Plantevit, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut: "Trend Mining in Dynamic Attributed Graphs" In Proc. of the Conference ECML/PKDD 2013, pp. 654-669. LIRIS
20 F. Petitjean, J. Inglada and P. Gançarski: "Detecting Land-Cover Modifications from Multi-Resolution Satellite Image Time Series", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2013. (invited paper) ICube
19 A. Stumpf, N. Lachiche, J.-P. Malet, N. Kerle, A. Puissant: "Toward accelerating landslide mapping with interactive machine learning techniques" , EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria (Poster). LIVE, IPGS, ICube
18 A. Stumpf,  J.-P. Malet, ,P. Allemand, G. Skupinski, M.-P. Deseilligny: "Robust affine-invariant feature points matching for 3D surface reconstruction of complex landslide scenes", EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria (Presentation).


17 J. Sanhes, F. Flouvat, C. Pasquier, N. Selmaoui-Folcher and J-F. Boulicaut: "Weighted paths as condensed pattern in a single attributed DAG". In Proc. of the 23rd International Join Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13), Springer-Verlag, Bejin, China, 2013.
16 R.Andreoli, C. marchand, N. Selmaoui-Folcher, Y. Hervé, C. Tinel and D. Fontannaz : "Monitoring of Pacific islands' environment from the mountain to the coral reefs under mining constraints : case study of the Great South of New Caledonia with Pleiades VHR data". In Proc. of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'13), Melbourne, Australia, 2013.
Bluecham, PPME
15 P-N Mougel and N. Selmaoui-Folcher: "A data mining approach to discover collections of homogeneous regions in satellite image time series". In Proc. of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'13), Melbourne, Australia, 2013.
14 C. Pasquier, J. Sanhes, F. Flouvat and N. Selmaoui-Folcher: "Frequent Pattern Mining in Attributed Trees". In Proc. of the 17th pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PaKDD'13), Springer-Verlag, LNAI 7818, Part I, pp.26-37, 2013. PPME
13 A. Stumpf, T. Lampert, J.-P. Malet and N. Kerle: "Multi-scale Line Detection for Landslide Fissure Mapping". In Proc. of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 5450–5453, Munich, Germany, July 22–27, 2012.


12 N. Meger, C. Rigotti, L. Gueguen, F. Lodge, C. Pothier, R. Andreoli and M. Datcu: "Normalized Mutual Information-Based Ranking of Spatio-Temporal Localization Maps". In Proc. of the 8th European Spatial Agency (ESA) - EUSC - JRC Conference on Image Information Mining, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. 2012. LISTIC, LIRIS, Bluecham
11 E. Desmier, M. Plantevit, C. Robardet, J-F. Boulicaut: "Cohesive Co-Evolution Patterns in Dynamic Attributed Graphs" In Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. Discovery Science, 2012. LIRIS
Stumpf, A., Kerle, N., Puissant, A., Lachiche, N., 2012: Adaptive sampling and object-feature selection for landslide mapping using Random Forests. 4th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 6. ICube, LIVE, IPGS
Stumpf, A., Kerle, N., Malet, J.-P., 2012: Mapping landslide surface fissures with matched filtering and object-oriented image analysis. 4th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 6. ICube, LIVE, IPGS
C. Kurtz, N. Passat, A. Puissant, P. Gançarski : Hierarchical segmentation of multiresolution remote sensing images ISMM 2011, Intra, Lake Maggiore, Italie, pp. 343--354, P. Soille, M. Pesaresi, and G.K. Ouzounis (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer), Vol. 6671, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21569-8_30, juillet 2011. ICube, LIVE
H. Alatrista-Salas, S. Bringay, F. Flouvat, N. Selmaoui-Folcher, Maguelonne Teisseire: "The Pattern Next Door: Towards Spatio-Sequential Pattern Discovery". In proceeding of The 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'12). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PPME
A. Soulet, C. Raïssi, M. Plantevit, B. Crémilleux: "Mining Dominant Patterns in the Sky". In proceedings of IEEE ICDM 2011: 655-664, Vancouver, Canada, December 2011. LIRIS
E. Desmier, F. Flouvat, D. Gay and N. Selmaoui-Folcher: "A clustering-based visualization of colocation patterns". In proceedings of the International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS'11), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011. 
20 long papers accepted on 138 submissions (15%).
4 A. Julea, F. Ledo, N. Méger, E. Trouvé, Ph. Bolon, C. Rigotti, R. Fallourd, J.-M. Nicolas, G. Vasile, M. Gay, O. Harant, L. Ferro-Famil, F.Lodge : "Polsar Radarsat-2 Satellite Image Time Series Mining Over the Chamonix Mont-Blanc Test Site". In proceedings of the IEEE Int. Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 11), Vancouver, Canada, July 2011. LISTIC, LIRIS
3 N. Méger, R. Jolivet, C. Lasserre, F. Lodge, E. Trouvé, M.-P. Doin, S. Guillaso, A. Julea, P. Bolon and C. Rigotti : "Spatio-Temporal Mining of ENVISAT SAR Interferogram Time Series over the Haiyuan Fault in China". In proceedings of the Sixth Int. Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MULTITEMP'2011), Trento, Italy, July 2011. LISTIC, LIRIS
2 A. Julea, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, E. Trouve, P., Bolon, and V. Lazarescu : "Mining Pixel Evolutions in Satellite Image Time Series for Agricultural Monitoring". In proceedings of the 11th Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2011, New-York, USA, August 2011. LISTIC, LIRIS

N. Selmaoui-Folcher, F. Flouvat : "How to use "classical" tree mining algorithms to find complex spatio-temporal patterns?". In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA '11), Toulouse, France, August 29 - September 2. A.Hameurlain et al. (Eds.): DEXA 2011, Part II, LNCS 6861, pp. 107--117. Springer, Heidelberg (2011).

National conferences
2014 Partners
10 C. Rigotti, F. Lodge, N. Méger, C. Pothier, R. Jolivet and C. Lasserre.: "Monitoring of Tectonic Deformation by Mining Satellite Image Time Series,". In Proc. of the 19th National Conference Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA‘14), Rouen, France. 2014. 6 pages. LIRIS, LISTIC
9 F. Flouvat, J. Sanhes, C. Pasquier, N. Selmaoui-Folcher and J-F Boulicaut : "Les modèles experts : une source d'informations pour l'extraction de motifs". RFIA 2014, Rouen, France, 30 juin-3 juillet, 2014, 6 pages. PPME, LIRIS
8 P-N. Mougel, F. Flouvat and N. Selmaoui-Folcher : "Approche par motifs pour l'analyse de données multi-résolution". EGC 2014, Rennes, France, January 2014, RNTI-E.26, pp.371-382. PPME
7 Claude Pasquier, Frédéric Flouvat, Jérémy Sanhes and Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher : "Extraction de motifs dans des graphes orientés attribués en présence d'automorphis". EGC 2014, Rennes, France, January 2014, RNTI-E.26, pp.401-406. PPME
6 E. Desmier, M. Plantevit and J-F. Boulicaut: "Granularité des motifs de co-variations dans des graphes attribués dynamiques". EGC 2014, Rennes, France, January 2014, RNTI-E.26, pp.431-442. LIRIS
5 C. Pasquier, J. Sanhes, F. Flouvat and N. Selmaoui-Folcher: "Extraction de motifs fréquents dans des arbres attribués". In proceeding of International Conference on EGC 2013, Toulouse, France, 29th January - 1st February, RNTI E-24, pp.193-204, 2013. (Best academic paper @ EGC'13) PPME
4 J. Sanhes, F. Flouvat, C. Pasquier, N. Selmaoui-Folcher and J-F Boulicaut: "Extraction de motifs condensés dans un seul graphe orienté acyclique attribué". In proceeding of International Conference on EGC 2013, Toulouse, France, 29th January - 1st February, RNTIE-24, pp.205-216,2013. PPME, LIRIS
3 A. Bechara Prado, M. Plantevit, C. Robardet, and J-F. Boulicaut: "Extraction de co-variations entre des propriétés de sommets et leur position topologique dans un graphe attribué". EGC 2012, Bordeaux, France, January 2012, RNTI-E.23, pp.267-278. (Best academic paper @ EGC'12) LIRIS
2 H. Alatrista-Salas, S. Bringay, F. Flouvat, N. Selmaoui-Folcher and M. Teisseire: "Vers une approche efficace d'extraction de motifs spatio-séquentiels". In proceeding of Intenational Conférence on EGC 2012, Bordeaux, France, January 2012, RNTI-E.23, pp. 201-212. PPME
1 J. Sanhes, F. Flouvat, N. Selmaoui-Folcher and J.-F. Boulicaut: "Extraction d'arbres spatio-temporels d'itemsets pour le suivi environmental". In proceeding of Intenational Conférence on EGC 2012, Poster session, Bordeaux, France, January 2012, RNTI-E.23, pp. 581-582. PPME, LIRIS
Conférence Invitée ou Demonstrations
2013 Partners
3 C. Rigotti, N. Meger, F. Lodge, C. Pothier. Fouille de données spatio-temporelles appliquée aux séries d'images satellite. In Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie - Rencontres du Numérique de l'ANR, Paris, 2013.
2 F. Lodge, N. Meger, C. Rigotti, L. Gueguen, C. Pothier, R. Andreoli, M.P. Doin, M. Datcu. GFS-pattern extraction in satellite image time series: application to the monitoring of Mount Etna. In Atelier Mesure de Déformations par Imagerie Spatiale, Autrans, 2013.
Julien Salotti, Marc Plantevit, Céline Robardet, Jean-François Boulicaut: Supporting the Discovery of Relevant Topological Patterns in Attributed Graphs. IEEE ICDM Demo 2012: 898-901. LIRIS
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