2014 meetings
  • October 24: Meeting PPME - Bluecham, Nouméa
  • Juin 12: Consortium meeting + Visio, Strasbourg
  • April 7, 8 : Consortium meeting + Visio, Annecy
  • January 8 : Consortium meeting + Visio, Strasbourg
2013 meetings


  • October 10 : LISTIC/LIRIS meeting, Grenoble
  • September 27 to october 4 : iCube/PPME/Bluecham meetings
  • July 12 : PPME/LIRIS meeting Visio (Nouméa, lyon)
  • July 5 : LISTIC/LIRIS meeting, Annecy
  • June 11 : PPME/LIRIS meeting, visio (Nouméa,Lyon)
  • May 13 : Consortium meeting + Visio, Lyon
  • April 12: PPME/BlueCham meeting, Nouméa
  • April 4 : PPME/LIRIS visio (Nouméa, Lyon)
  • January 29: PPME/LIRIS meeting during workshop FOSTA organized by the consortium, Toulouse
  • January 22: LSIIT/LIRIS/LISTIC meeting+visio, Annecy
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